Friday, May 16, 2014

Community Summer Band

This summer is the sixth season for our summer concert band, "Sounds of the Prairie Community Band".

Registration is open to all current 8th grade and high school students and adults. Younger performers may participate with consent of our director. There are no auditions.

Rehearsals are at Parkland College on Tuesdays, starting 27 May, 6:30 - 8:15 PM. We have performances scheduled on 21 June, 4 July, and 10 August, at locations across the county.

We do *not* require attendance at all concerts and rehearsals. We understand that people have other commitments during the summer. We ask that people attend when they can.

There is a $25 registration fee. However, there is a $50 family cap, so if two people from your family join, the rest do not have to pay the registration fee. Our concert attire is a T-shirt, for which we charge $10. We use the same T-shirt every year.

To register for the Band online or for more information, see:

You may also register by phone at 217-590-4311.

Please help us spread the word

poster for band registration is available online. Feel free to post copies of the poster at you school, local churches, businesses, or other places where you frequent.

You can find us on Facebook at:

And on Twitter at: