The PVO Children's Sale is coming up. For those of you who have never been, this sale has earned a reputation as being cheaper than One Week Boutique, with about the same quality of items. Essentially it's a big garage sale with great deals and you can sell your own stuff there retaining 70% of the cost. Here's the info:
Thank you for your interest in the PVO Children’s sale! We are happy to have you participating with us again as a vendor. After reading this, please email or call if you have any additional questions!
How does it work?
You price your items and bring them to the school at 6:00pm on Friday, March 26th. We sell them for you on the morning of March 27th and you collect your profit at 2:30pm on that day!
What is the catch?
Prairieview-Ogden PTO collects 30% of your profit.
What do I need to do?
You have been assigned a vendor number and given price tags. On the left and right side of the tag, please write your vendor number, your selling price, circle whether it is a boy or girl item (if applicable), and mark the size. Please secure your price tag to the item in an easy to find place. (collar, waist, top of toy, front of book, etc.) Please use safety pins to secure tags to clothing items. We ask that you put in a clear bag or tape down, any item that has loose pieces. Bring your items and unused pricing tags to the school at 6:00pm on March 26th Collect your profit and any unsold items at 2:30pm on March 27th.
What items do you accept?
Anything that relates to children: spring or summer clothing, shoes, toys, bikes, sports equipment, strollers, car seats, books, games, children's furniture (cribs, l'il tables, dressers), children's bedding, halloween costumes, coats, maternity clothes, etc. We suggest you sell items that are clean and in usable condition. Items that are not related to children, fall or winter clothing, or items not in good condition will NOT be put out to sell! WE DO NOT ACCEPT ANY STUFF ANIMALS. The PVO PTO fundraising committee members have final decision on what is included in the sale.
Why different colored tags?
We require that you use our tags. We use different colors to help us quickly sort the unsold items after each sale. White tags should be used if you want both your profit and your items returned to you. Blue tags should be used if you want your profit but do not want your unsold items returned to you. Yellow tags should be used if you don’t want your items or any profit, you just want the items out of your house! You can pick up tags from PVO South Elementary (304 Market St. in Ogden) during school hours.
**THIS SPRING WE WILL BE TRYING A ½ PRICE SALE FOR ALL BLUE TAG ITEMS REMAINING AFTER 11AM. FROM 11-11:30am- 100% OF THE SALE FROM BLUE & YELLOW TAG ITEMS WILL GO TO THE PVO PTO. (We’re finding we are getting more and more vendors with blue tag items which means we are left with a lot to clean up. We hope to bring in some last minute bargain shoppers.)
What happens if my item loses its tag?
Any items without a tag will not be sold and will be left for you to claim after the sale. Any unclaimed items will become the property of the Prairieview-Ogden PTO.
What can I do to help?
We welcome volunteers! We have 3 time slots that need volunteers. 1) Setup – setting up tables and putting out sale items on Friday night, 6-9pm. 2)Sale morning-working the sale, sorting, cashiers, etc. 8:30-11:30am 3)Clean up -returning items to vendors and cleaning up the school11:30-2:30pm. Anyone who volunteers can pre-shop on Friday evening! We only need a specified number of volunteers so email us early at to sign up.
What do I do if I have more questions?
Email us at or by calling one of the following committee members: Laura Irle, 217-582-2162, Nicole Crites: 217-621-9110.
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