Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tom Thumb production of Rapunzel


The Champaign Urbana Junior Women's Club is producing it's annual play for children in two weeks, April 1,2 and 3 at various times. This year it's "Let your hair down, Rapunzel", and I am in it!!! It's a really cute play, very different from Disney's recent movie, "Tangled". (Can I talk some of you into holding cue cards so I remember my lines???)

Tickets are on sale at Shnucks or the Frogs and Fairies store for $5.

The women's club is a community service organization mainly devoted to literacy for young children. If you have ever had a second grader bring home their very own book, know that it came from the Junior Women's Club. Come enjoy the play if you can!

Sue Carlson

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