Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gap Jeans- 30% off

30% off Gap jeans- Bring in an old pair of jeans (any brand- any condition) and you will get 30% off a new pair of Gap jeans. We just did this yesterday at Marketplace mall and the deal worked. We bought jeans that were regular priced, but I've heard from others that this also applies to jeans on sale- you would get 30% additional off the sale price.
The sales associate said that they donate the jeans to a company that uses denim to make housing insulation. I know that this promotion lasts at least until March 11, but it might go on longer. If you want to take advantage of this offer- I suggest calling the Gap at Marketplace mall to ask questions.

-Tina Stone

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Ah- if only I could fit into real clothes right now. I would totally do this offer!